
Type: Composite Entity

  • Multiline-Text buildup with simple Text-Entities
  • Mostly the same kwargs like TEXT
  • Lines are separated by '\n'

Caution: align point is always the insert point, I don’t need a second alignpoint because horizontal alignment FIT, ALIGN, BASELINE_MIDDLE is not supported by MText.

DXFEngine.mtext(text, insert, linespacing=1.5, **kwargs)
  • text (str) – the text to display
  • insert – insert point (xy- or xyz-tuple), z-axis is 0 by default
  • linespacing (float) – linespacing in percent of height, 1.5 = 150% = 1+1/2 lines
  • height (float) – text height in drawing-units
  • rotation (float) – text rotion in dregree, default=0
  • xscale (float) – text width factor, default=1
  • oblique (float) – text oblique angle in degree, default=0
  • style (str) – text style name, default=STANDARD
  • mirror (int) – text generation flags, bit-coded, default=0
  • halign (int) – horizontal justification type
  • valign (int) – vertical justification type
  • layer (str) – layer name
  • color (int) – range [1..255], 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER

Mirror Flags

Flag Description
const.MIRROR_X Text is backward (mirrored in X)
const.MIRROR_Y Text is upside down (mirrored in Y)



Lineheight in drawing units.

Attributes of composite DXF entities can not be changed by the index operator, use normal object attributes instead:

from dxfwrite import DXFEngine as dxf

drawing = dxf.drawing('drawing.dxf')
text = dxf.mtext('Line1\nLine2', (1.0, 1.0), height=0.7, rotation=45)
text.layer = 'TEXT'
text.color = 7


import dxfwrite
from dxfwrite import DXFEngine as dxf

def textblock(mtext, x, y, rot, color=3, mirror=0):
    dwg.add(dxf.line((x+50, y), (x+50, y+50),  color=color))
    dwg.add(dxf.line((x+100, y), (x+100, y+50), color=color))
    dwg.add(dxf.line((x+150, y), (x+150, y+50), color=color))

    dwg.add(dxf.line((x+50, y), (x+150, y), color=color))
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+50, y), mirror=mirror, rotation=rot))
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+100, y), mirror=mirror, rotation=rot,
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+150, y), mirror=mirror, rotation=rot,

    dwg.add(dxf.line((x+50, y+25), (x+150, y+25), color=color))
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+50, y+25), mirror=mirror, rotation=rot,
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+100, y+25), mirror=mirror, rotation=rot,
                      valign=dxfwrite.MIDDLE, halign=dxfwrite.CENTER))
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+150, y+25), mirror=mirror, rotation=rot,
                      valign=dxfwrite.MIDDLE, halign=dxfwrite.RIGHT))

    dwg.add(dxf.line((x+50, y+50), (x+150, y+50), color=color))
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+50, y+50), mirror=mirror,
                      valign=dxfwrite.BOTTOM, rotation=rot))
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+100, y+50), mirror=mirror,
                      valign=dxfwrite.BOTTOM, rotation=rot,
    dwg.add(dxf.mtext(mtext, (x+150, y+50), mirror=mirror,
                      valign=dxfwrite.BOTTOM, rotation=rot,

def rotate_text(text, insert, parts=16, color=3):
    delta = 360. / parts
    for part in range(parts):
        dwg.add(dxf.mtext(text, insert, rotation=(delta*part),
                             color=color, valign=dxfwrite.TOP))

name = "mtext.dxf"
dwg = dxf.drawing(name)
txt = "Das ist ein mehrzeiliger Text\nZeile 2\nZeile 3\nUnd eine lange lange" \
        " ................ Zeile4"

textblock(txt, 0, 0, 0., color=1)
textblock(txt, 150, 0,  45., color=2)
textblock(txt, 300, 0,  90., color=3)

textblock(txt, 0, 70,  135., color=4)
textblock(txt, 150, 70,  180., color=5)
textblock(txt, 300, 70,  225., color=6)

txt = "MText Zeile 1\nMIRROR_X\nZeile 3"
textblock(txt, 0, 140,  0., color=4, mirror=dxfwrite.MIRROR_X)
textblock(txt, 150, 140,  45., color=5, mirror=dxfwrite.MIRROR_X)
textblock(txt, 300, 140,  90., color=6, mirror=dxfwrite.MIRROR_X)

txt = "MText Zeile 1\nMIRROR_Y\nZeile 3"
textblock(txt, 0, 210,  0., color=4, mirror=dxfwrite.MIRROR_Y)
textblock(txt, 150, 210,  45., color=5, mirror=dxfwrite.MIRROR_Y)
textblock(txt, 300, 210,  90., color=6, mirror=dxfwrite.MIRROR_Y)

textblock("Einzeiler  0 deg", 0, -70, 0., color=1)
textblock("Einzeiler 45 deg", 150, -70,  45., color=2)
textblock("Einzeiler 90 deg", 300, -70,  90., color=3)

txt = "--------------------------------------------------Zeile 1\n" \
      "----------------- MTEXT MTEXT --------------------Zeile 2 zum Rotieren!\n" \
      "--------------------------------------------------Zeile 3\n"
rotate_text(txt, (600, 100), parts=16, color=3)
print("drawing '%s' created.\n" % name)

Various rotation angles:


Different alignment points:
