
Type: Composite Entity

Spline curves are approximated by POLYLINE.

For an explanation of spline curves see Wikipedia:


DXFEngine.spline(points, segments=100, **kwargs)

Create a new cubic-spline-entity, curve shape is an approximation by POLYLINE.

  • points – breakpoints (knots) as 2D points (float-tuples), defines the curve, the curve goes through this points
  • segments (int) – count of line segments for polyline approximation
  • linetype (str) – linetype name, if not defined = BYLAYER
  • layer (str) – layer name
  • color (int) – range [1..255], 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER


import dxfwrite
from dxfwrite import DXFEngine as dxf

name = 'spline.dxf'
dwg = dxf.drawing(name)
#spline_points = [(0.0, 0.0), (1., 2.), (3., 1.), (5., 3.)]
spline_points = [(0.0, 0.0), (2., 2.), (3., 2.), (5., 0.)]
dwg.add(dxf.spline(spline_points, color=7))
for point in spline_points:
    dwg.add(dxf.circle(radius=0.1, center=point, color=1))